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Undergraduate Research | 2023 Opportunities


Raph Hix
Theoretical Astrophysics
Research Description: We study the formation of the chemical elements (nucleosynthesis). This area of research is inextricably linked to the lives and deaths of stars.
Expected Skills/Background: Programming (Python, mostly), Introductory astronomy
2023 Openings?: Yes

Anthony Mezzacappa
Theoretical Astrophysics
Research Description: Core collapse supernova theory, leadership-class core collapse supernova simulations, gravitational wave predictions and collaboration with LIGO
Expected Skills/Background: Programming
2023 Openings?: Yes

Sherwood Richers
Computational Astrophysics
Research Description: We are trying to understand the implications of neutrino microphysics on the results of astrophysical explosions like supernovae and neutron star mergers. The work is largely computational, from small toy problems to illustrate new phenomena to large-scale multi-physics simulations.
Expected Skills/Background: Programming, upper-division quantum mechanics, radiation transport
2023 Openings?: Yes


Jaan Mannik
Experimental Biophysics
Research Description: Our research aims to understand from physics principles how DNA and other macromolecules in the cell self-organize and form a functioning cell. Our goal is also to develop novel physics-based tools to study cellular systems.
Expected Skills/Background: Some experience with programming would be useful.
2023 Openings?: Yes

Condensed Matter Physics

Cristian Batista
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Research Description: Correlated electron physics
Expected Skills/Background: Advanced quantum class
2023 Openings?: Maybe

Adrian Del Maestro
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Research Description: The Del Maestro Group seeks to understand, measure, optimize, and eventually exploit the entanglement content of quantum matter. We focus on superfluids and superconductors and specialize in low spatial dimensions where enhanced quantum fluctuations can produce phases without classical analogues.
Expected Skills/Background: Programming; quantum
2023 Openings?: Yes

Steve Johnston
Theoretical/Computational Condensed Matter Physics
Research Description: We are applying numerical methods to the behavior of strongly correlated quantum matter. My group often works closely with experimental groups to understand how to connect our model calculations to real materials.
Expected Skills/Background: Programming and courses in thermal physics & quantum mechanics are a plus.
2023 Openings?: Maybe

Wonhee Ko
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Research Description: Our research focuses on observing interesting materials in the atomic resolution. Quantum materials are currently the main research topic, and we use scanning tunneling microscopy to investigate its atomic and electronic structures.
Expected Skills/Background: Electronics, programming, some knowledge on quantum mechanics
2023 Openings?: Yes

Joon Sue Lee
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Research Description: We are exploring novel physical phenomena by studying electronic, magnetic, and superconducting behaviors in (topological) quantum materials as well as potential quantum device applications in quantum computing and spintronics. Experimental schemes of molecular beam epitaxy; structural, electronical, and magnetic characterizations; fabrication of mesoscopic and nanoscale devices; electrical transport using cryostats are used for our research.
Expected Skills/Background: Strong motivation, along with a basic background in quantum mechanics, solid-state physics, and electronics, will be valuable.
2023 Openings?: Yes

Jian Liu
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics + Simulation
Research Description: Understand quantum many-body physics. Discover and design new quantum materials with new properties.
Expected Skills/Background: The ability of communicate and collaborate.
2023 Openings?: Yes

Norman Mannella
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Research Description: We study how electrons move and interact both with each other and other degrees of freedom. We use spectroscopic techniques in the ultraviolet and soft x-ray regimes. All of these techniques are based on the Photoelectric Effect.
Expected Skills/Background: Knowledge of fundamental principles of Modern Physics (i.e. PHY 250, or 252); programming is a plus
2023 Openings?: Yes

Hanno Weitering
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Research Description: Elucidating and controlling macoscopic quantum phenomena such as magnetism, superconductivity and topology in artificially structured materials such as solid interfaces and ultrathin thin film materials. Creating novel materials platforms for new quantum technologies such as spintronics and quantum computing.
Expected Skills/Background: In general, students need good technical hands-on skills. Prior experience with programming or electronics would be good.
2023 Openings?: Yes

Ruixing Zhang
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Research Description: Our group focuses on developing new theoretical principles and paradigms to understand electronic properties of quantum materials, for the ultimate purpose of finding the optimal material platforms to build future quantum technological devices.
Expected Skills/Background: Basics on quantum mechanics. Linear Algebra. Programming.
2023 Openings?: Yes

Yang Zhang
Theoretical and Computational Condensed Matter Physics
Research Description: My research interest lies in understanding the topological states, quantum transport, and light-matter interaction in topological/strongly correlated materials and their potential applications for future quantum technology. I am also greatly interested in high performance computing, for the study of large-scale quantum systems with massive parallelization in CPU/GPU platforms.
Expected Skills/Background: Programming. Quantum mechanics and solid states physics are a plus.
2023 Openings?: Yes

Elementary Particle Physics (aka High Energy Physics)

Yuri Efremenko
Experimental Elementary Particle Physics
Research Description: Research in Neutrino Physics
Expected Skills/Background: Computer skills. GEANT4 and C++
2023 Openings?: Maybe

Tova Holmes
Experimental Elementary Particle Physics
Research Description: High energy experiment, focused on the CMS experiment at the LHC and a potential future muon collider. Building an FPGA-based track-finding system for the HL-LHC and searching for beyond the Standard Model particles in current LHC data.
Expected Skills/Background: Some coding experience is crucial. Experience with electronics, networking, or firmware can be helpful for certain projects but is not at all required.
2023 Openings?: Yes

Yuri Kamyshkov
Experimental Elementary Particle Physics
Research Description: Through quantum mechanics of neutron oscillation search for transformation of matter to antimatter for the understanding of matter-antimatter asymmetry of universe and for determining the possible nature of Dark Matter as "Mirror Matter".
Expected Skills/Background: Enthusiasm for research and strong desire to learn.
2023 Openings?: Yes

Lawrence Lee
Experimental Elementary Particle Physics
Research Description:

  • Data analysis in service of finding new particles Beyond the Standard Model at particle colliders like the LHC to answer some major open questions in the Standard Model. We have a particular focus on searches for so-called Long Lived Particles, and using machine learning to reconstruct new particle resonances.
  • Particle detection technologies and electronics for the upgrade to the CMS experiment for the next LHC upgrade.
  • Advanced software development for the CMS upgrade.
Expected Skills/Background:
  • Python programming (C++ is a plus++)
  • Using a Linux/UNIX/Mac command line
  • Familiarity with git
  • Microprocessor or other digital electronics experience
  • Computer networking experience
  • Presentation and communication skills
2023 Openings?: Yes

Stefan Spanier
Experimental Elementary Particle Physics
Research Description: Data analysis using standard and ML algorithms; detector R&D and systematic studies of measurements
Expected Skills/Background: Strong interest in research
2023 Openings?: Yes

Nuclear Physics

Robert Grzywacz
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Research Description: Physics of very exotic nuclei at the limits of nuclear existence. Research carried out at the accelerator facilities with detection system invented, developed and constructed at the University of Tennessee.
Expected Skills/Background: Some programming skills. Enthusiasm for research.
2023 Openings?: Yes

Miguel Madurga
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Research Description: Elucidate the properties of the nuclear force that drive the changes in structure for exotic nuclei.
Expected Skills/Background: Programming, basic nuclear physics course
2023 Openings?: Yes

Christine Nattrass
Experimental Nuclear Physics
Research Description: We study jets, the collimated sprays of hadrons produced when quarks or gluons collide, in high energy nuclear collisions. We study how jets are modified by the quark gluon plasma, the hot, dense liquid formed when nuclei collide.
Expected Skills/Background: I generally want students to have taken an intro programming class and be enrolled in at least one upper division physics class, though I have made exceptions.
2023 Openings?: Yes

Thomas Papenbrock
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Research Description: Computing atomic nuclei from scratch; using effective field theories to describe nuclear phenomena; applying quantum computing and quantum information concepts to atomic nuclei
Expected Skills/Background: Working with unix and programming is useful; quantum mechanics is useful to understand what we are doing
2023 Openings?: Maybe

Lucas Platter
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Research Description: Electroweak processes and fundamental symmetries in nuclear physics.
Expected Skills/Background: Minimally programming, quantum class preferred
2023 Openings?: Yes

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